Corporate Finance

Do you know that banks are not the only option for financing your company? Alternative markets can provide different financing solutions with lower cost and longer maturity particularly designed for your business. By collaborating with reliable investors, we do develop financing models for firms that are looking for better financial terms.

Corporate Governance

Growth and sustainability of a business depends on adopting corporate governance principles. With the help of our experienced team members, we can turn your company into a well-governed institution in where financial and operational plans are done, exposed risks are managed, compliance is ensured, and internal control mechanisms are established.

Human Resources Management

Without any doubt, the most precious asset of a company is its employees. Getting the right people to work starts with recruitment, and continues with training and promoting processes. If your decision must be based on abstract assessment, then you may think of using our recommended models that integrate scientifically proven methods.

Corporate Finance

Banks are not the only source of finance anymore! Professional investors are waiting for you to support your growth, widen your sales and marketing network, and provide technological know-how. INFORCE brings concerned investors together with companies that need financial support.

Financial Outsourcing

Because financial expenses can be deducted from taxable revenue, providing financial support from an outsider source creates leverage on your company’s profitability; however, if your company’s line with the banks has reached its upper limits, then alternative financing models can present you new solutions.

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Issuing Capital Market Instruments

Comparing to Money Markets, Capital Markets offers long term and low cost financing opportunities to companies. Borsa Istanbul and other Turkish capital markets present many financing opportunities ranging from public offering to bond issuing.

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Strategic Partnership

The fastest and easiest way of reaching the targets that you set for your company is finding new partners who believe in what you do. Without losing control over the company, you can set sail for higher profitability by forming a new partnership with qualified investors.

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Debt Restructuring

Tracking too many loans with different terms and interest rates and managing cash flows accordingly could be troublesome in time. Please give us a call if you want to refinance all your debt and extend the maturity as long as possible.

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Project Financing

The credibility of your projects with high profitability can be higher than that of your company itself. Taking into consideration of internal rate of return and the return on investment period calculated in feasibility study, you can find even better offers to finance your projects.

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Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are the most preferred external method for growth by companies. M&A gives you a motivation to increase your market share, to penetrate into new markets, to be able to use existing infrastructure and may present an investment opportunity or the financing solution you are looking for

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Corporate Governance

The right way of doing business depends on institutionalization, and institutionalization depends on obeying principles of corporate governance. In an institution, all business processes, decision and control mechanisms are predefined regarding business continuity and productivity. Expected short term and long term goals and the ways that lead us to these goals are precise. Exposed risks are detected and evaluated, and required measures are taken against them. Company’s production, marketing, and financing policies are well designed according to its predetermined goals.

Financial Management

Financial structure of your company must be straight to be able to continue realizing growth oriented investments and maintaining flawless operations. A straight financial structure can only be obtained by applying a straight financial management.

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Relation Management with Banks

No matter how big it is, every company have to work with banks closely. Relationship management with banks may prevent undesirable financial and legal action to occur.

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Improving Accounting Systems

Functioning decision making mechanisms as needed depends on accounting systems that can provide accurate information instantly. An accounting system that produces reliable information is an indispensable element in the transformation of data into meaningful reports.

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Public companies and their managers have to pay high amount of administrative penalty each year because of their acts contrary to regulations. To protect the reputation of your business and get rid of unnecessary costs, compliance with the legislation is essential.

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Risk Management

You can increase control over your business while reducing your losses by managing operational risks that reveal themselves as disruption in operational processes, credit risks that arise from inability of your counterparty to fulfill its obligations, and market risks such as volatility in commodity prices, currency and interest rate.

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Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301)

ISO 22301 is internationally accepted management systems standard certifies that all necessary actions are taken in order to maintain continuous business operation. ISO 22301 certification ensures minimizing business and operational risks, as well as increasing financial and industrial reputation.

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Fraud Investigation

Researches show us companies loose five per cent of their annual turnover due to abuses. Our CFE certified fraud investigators can perform an examination and submit the resultant report to the companies’ management for obtaining necessary measures against improper conduct.

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Establishing Audit and Control Systems

Maintaining the control over administrative and production processes is also important as much as the continuity of the operations. Determining whether corporate targets can be met and taking necessary actions accordingly depend on a control mechanism that works efficient.

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Managing Family Business

Many family businesses mostly fail in the third generation because of the lack of corporate governance. The life cycle of family businesses can be extended by restructuring the company organization in a professional way.

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Human Resources Management

Gathering people with different personalities and having them work efficiently for the same goal may be the most challenging process that companies’ managers face. Recruiting people with personalities and capabilities in harmony with the corporate culture, having them work in right positions, and promoting deserved ones while maintaining the motivation of others are examples of management art per se.

Personal Tendency Inventory

Personal Tendency Inventory (PTI) is a personality measurement method developed by Turkish academicians by scanning a database contains more than 100.000 test subjects reside in Turkey. Unlike similar procedures, PTI can perform measuring according to 33 criteria classified in 6 categories as well as basic motivation sources.

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Decision Making in Recruitment and Promotion

The most challenging problem in recruitment and promoting processes is identifying the right candidate. Candidates must be evaluated in a fair manner; however, managers find it difficult to express on what their justification is based.

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Business and Executive Coaching

Sometimes we feel like we are lost in our business life as if we do not belong where we are. In moments like this, getting help from professional experts called life coaches to understand ourselves makes us happier and more successful person.

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